Yesterday My Aunt called me with some of the saddest news. Her dearest friend has only less than a week to live. I started to get teary eyed when she told me because I have known this person for all of my life, she was more than a friend but part of the family..........
Lately, I asked God why her why someone with children so young, why someone who did everything for her family, who stayed my her husband through good and bad and even his own illness. I started thinking it's not fair for this person to suffer the illness she has. She never asked why me or got so depressed she didn't want to do anything, she was thankful for each day she had left with her children. She is a fighter and has stayed strong.......but lately I have seen that fire go out and her get so tired. Now it's time for her to rest. It will be sad but at least she will not be in pain. For God will heal her then........
I thank her for everything she has done and love her.She will be missed so much from everyone. I will pray for her and her family that they may get over this hard time.
And I will look at life with so much hope. And me thankful for everything I have including my health. I pray that I be able to see my daughter get older. And from time to time I will always remember that special person who never gave up and thank her.
Love You Cindy,